Learn Meditation From Home – Eight Week Online Course

$79.00 $27.00


Enjoy Life More
with Simple and Proven
Methods to break Negative Thinking
and reduce Stress & Worry

Give yourself a gift and learn the powerful mindfulness techniques that are helping individuals from all walks of life to have more balance and focus and discover the fact that you can self-manage unhelpful thoughts and emotions.

The ability to control attention is one of the key markers of a successful life. Regular mindfulness practices is a proven method to help increase focus and awareness, make it possible to self-regulate and shift attention when caught up in negative thinking and worrying.

This course gives you the background, science, practices and techniques to establish a regular attention training practice. It is based on latest research and techniques designed by the original MBSR members who trained with Jon Kabat-Zinn.

How Does It Work?

The course quickly introduces you to the powerful mindfulness techniques that are helping individuals from all walks of life to have more balance and focus in their lives.

You will learn and deepen your practice week by week by going through the lessons, listening to guiding audios, watching some videos and keeping a daily journal.

You will see for yourself that the ability to focus on one thing at a time is the best skill you ever learnt.

“When you begin to practice mindfulness almost immediately you become aware of a new spaciousness inside yourself, a calmness and stillness- you give your mind a rest from incessant thinking and reacting”.Rita Riccola

Learn to deal with difficult emotions and let go of limiting beliefs

Through these guided, easy-to-do practises you are training the mind to be more present in the moment. resulting in it to be less anxious, more alert and alive.

Starting to experience benefits such as:

• Less anxiety and stress
• Less reactivity more responsiveness
• More mental clarity
• Increased ability to remain attentive and focused
• Increased social-emotional intelligence
• Going to sleep easier
• Overall well-being and inner balance

See what people say about the course:

“The 8 week course has allowed me to re-connect with the person I used to be and ignite my passion to forge forward, to help others find their passion, peace, connection and love within themselves. So they too, can help others to find their way in life. Thank you for this experience and training”.Sia K.

“I've really loved this course – both the online component and the two day course, I'm so grateful I've learnt these empowering new tools. THANK YOU :-)” Natalie E.

“Thank you Rita for providing such a thorough course in Mindfulness. This has come at exactly the right time for me as I look towards a less cluttered lifestyle, on the physical plane as well as the emotional and spiritual.
Thank you once again,
Warm blessings”

Anne C.

“Many thanks for your wonderful course, which was very thought provoking”.
Tricia C.

“Thank you for offering this course, it has been a blessing in my life”.
Nicky M.

The Teacher is Rita Riccola who has been a registered educator for many years and have over 25 years experience of Mindfulness and Meditation.

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As the benefits from Mindfulness practices are becoming more widely recognised and known, there is now a growing demand for courses that can teach these techniques in a practical way and help anyone establishing a regular practice even if you have never done any meditation or mindfulness exercises before.

The teacher Rita Riccola is one of New Zealands leading mindfulness trainers. She has been a registered educator for many years and have over 25 years experience of Mindfulness and Meditation. You get personal support at any time.


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