The 6 Months Insight Mindfulness Training

A new transformative extension training for both beginners and more experienced practitioners.

“By immersing yourself in this training you can not only assist yourself to a calmer, more alert aware way of living but help anyone else who is open to these simple strategies”.

A deep exploration into all aspects of mindfulness & meditation

This course is the result of the many requests for additional training that goes deeper into all aspects of mindfulness; more explanation of how the mind works and the fact that contemporary neuroscience confirms what practitioners of meditation and mindfulness have been saying for centuries. How it leads to a clearer, calmer mind and a more alert and present state of being.

This training fit or everyone; beginners and those who already practicing and sharing with others.

In these weekly sessions we examine all aspects of our mental make-up and any obstacles that are holding us up progressing in our practice.
Each week we uncover how our repetitive (often unhelpful) thoughts, behaviours and reactivity keep us trapped.

To establish a regular practice that becomes routine takes at least six months, which is why I am offering this 6 month training once a week. and in this training you establish this foundation together with a group of like-minded people. This connection within the group is encouraged to continue even when the course ends.

The inspiration and encouragement that comes from the group is invaluable.

With the widespread occurrence of mental health issues the need for everyone, even young children, to adopt mindfulness for self-calming and self-regulation has never been greater.

By immersing yourself in this training you can not only assist yourself to a calmer, more alert aware way of living but help anyone else who is open to these simple strategies.

Even if you have no intention to facilitate or share with others the benefits from this training will lead to lasting personal transformation.

»Deeper understanding of mental process’ behaviours and beliefs and conditioning that keeps us trapped in repetitive cycles of unhappiness and non self-acceptance.
»How to develop a regular daily practice and learn to monitor change.
»Get weekly support and responses to difficulties encountered.
»Deepening practice and uncovering behaviours and beliefs that don’t serve us.
»Examine signposts of personal growth
»Monitoring personal progress, engaging in the process of personal transformation
»Going deeper into the practices and processes of mindfulness.
»Setting intentions.
»Recognise where habits of wanting and trying is blocking progress
» Feedback on and trialing your own program within the group to optimise efficiency and coherence.

What are we doing in this course?

Let’s look at what we are actually doing. We are investigating the human nervous system and the signals it receives from the world and how we interpret them, mentally and emotionally. Underpinning mindfulness is a closer understanding of how thoughts and emotions affect us. When we build that deeper awareness we come to recognise that we are actually in the drivers seat of our lives and our mental states to a large degree. That is why mindfulness is so widely accepted in these times of stress and anxiety, which is only escalating as we all know.

When we put the spotlight of attention on those processes, and most importantly, if you intend to share this with other people it is absolutely essential that you are grounded in the mindfulness practice yourself. It is like mindfulness becomes part of who you are. Mindfulness is a state of being. if you want to bring mindfulness into your life, it becomes part of who you are. If you plan to share it with other people one of the key things that you need is credibility and authenticity and to get that, it is quite simple, you practice. You bring mindfulness into your life, into your being, embodying it, not just for 20 minutes when you sit down and meditate.

When it comes to sharing mindfulness with others a lot of it is about finding the language that penetrates beneath the conditioned mind. People just ‘wake up’ when they hear the truth because humans are naturally intelligent, in fact, as we will see the intelligence has been covered over by the conditioning to the degree that people have ‘lost their way’. They’ve lost the contact with their own ‘inner Anchor’. Their own inner guide which is there for all of us, it is not ’mystical’ it is not even ‘spiritual’, even though, underneath all of it you start to develop an absolute wonder and joy for the intelligence and beauty of life itself and these ‘body machines’ that takes us through this journey we call Life.

Some of the Course Content

  • How do you establish a regular practice?
  • How to halt the chronic activation of the ‘Stress Response’ and stop the constant leaking of stress hormone
  • How to intentionally connect with the body’s natural calming system
  • The STOP method and how to use it
  • How to make mindfulness part of your daily self-management plan
  • The RAIN method and how we can allow a ‘feeling’ to be there to make it lose its hold over us
  • Seeing through unhelpful patterns of thoughts and behaviours
  • Dealing with difficult emotions
  • Recognising patterns of the mind and buried and unresolved emotions


    Book now and receive the online component that you can do in your own time, today!
    The 6 Months Insight Mindfulness Training
    The sessions are held using the Zoom video platform. Weekly sessions of 2 hours, total 48 Hours over a 6 months period.
    Start anytime.
    Tuesdays: Start 5.30pm (NSW Time) End 7.30pm
    Cost: $1200 AUD
    Including 8 week online component and a 1 day online retreat.

    Pay securely via credit card or invoice. Payment plans are available.



    Rita Riccola is one of New Zealand’s leading mindfulness trainers and the author of the book “The Practice of Mindfulness and Balance”.

    She is a former teacher and a trained mindfulness teacher who has completed courses with Mindful Schools USA.

    Rita has been a Vipassana and yoga practitioner for 30 years. In 2000-2002 she attended a number of Barry Long’s ‘Course in Being’ seminars, (Barry Long was one of Eckhart Tolle’s teachers).

    Her 2 day Mindfulness Facilitation Course has been taken by more than thousand individuals, including school teachers, life coaches, psychologists and counsellors in both New Zealand and Australia.

    She have provided staff training for numerous schools across New Zealand to help integrate mindfulness practice to the curriculum. These courses are designed to meet the growing need in all sectors to offer Mindfulness training.

    What participants say about the 2 day Mindfulness training

    “My perspective of life has expanded through this practice as I discover more about myself through awareness, non judgement and compassion not only for others but for myself. Thank you Rita”.Melissa M.
    “The 8 week course has allowed me to re connect with the person I used to be and ignite my passion to forge forward. Thank you for this experience and training”Sia K, Sydney
    “The 8 week course has allowed me to re connect with the person I used to be and ignite my passion to forge forward. Thank you for this experience and training”Sia K, Sydney
    I’ve really loved this course – I’m so grateful I’ve learnt these empowering new tools. THANK YOU :-)”Natalie E. Auckland
    “I am extremely grateful for your teachings…you are truly inspirational”.Wendy R.